Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s personal trainer gives us fitness tips for all ages

Bryant Johnson has been training Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg for about two decades. Here, he shares what you can do to train like RBG.

But this isn’t the beginning of exercise for Justice Ginsburg, who has been working with personal trainer Bryant Johnson, a man she once called the most important person in her life, since 1999. Johnson, a records manager at the district court, happened to be training another judge at the federal courthouse when Justice Ginsburg reached out to him following her battle with colon cancer.

Today, Johnson and The Justice, as he frequently calls her, workout twice a week, typically after the work day in one of the two gyms within the Supreme Court Building in Washington, DC. While the physical work is challenging, this type of exercise is also a mental game, according to Johnson, and Ginsburg is winning.

From dedication to persistence, here’s what The RBG Workout is really about.

Read full article at: https://www.northernvirginiamag.com/health/fitness-features/2019/07/18/justice-ruth-bader-ginsburgs-personal-trainer-gives-us-fitness-tips-for-all-ages/